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How will the natural resources of water be conserved if Lucknow city of 2528 Sq Km has mere 12.03% forest cover?Focus Should Shift from concrete walls to conservation of natural water resources

Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)

Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) Opinions & Updates

ByAnant Srivastava Anant Srivastava   21

How will the natural resources of water be conserved if Lucknow city of 2528 Sq Km has mere 12.03% forest cover?Focus Should Shift from concrete walls to conservation of natural water resources



How will the natural resources of water be conserved if Lucknow city of 2528 Sq Km has mere 12.03% fAccording to Running Pure ,a research report sponsored by the World Bank/WWF Alliance for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Use:

* Well managed natural forests almost always provide higher quality water, with less sediment and fewer pollutants, than water from other catchments * Some natural forests (particularly tropical montane cloud forests and some older forests) also increase total water flow, although in other cases this is not true and under young forests and some exotic plantations net water flow can decrease Impacts of forests on security of supply or mitigating flooding are less certain although forests can reduce floods at a local headwater scale * As a result of these various benefits, natural forests are being protected to maintain high quality water supplies to cities * Protection within watersheds also provides benefits in terms of biodiversity conservation, recreational, social and economic values * However, care is needed to ensure that the rural populations living in watersheds are not disadvantaged in the process of protection or management for water quality.This report focuses on the potential role of protected areas in helping to maintain water supply to major cities.The report discusses the links between protected areas and drinking water.



Source: BBI and research 'Running Pure: The importance of forest protected areas to drinking water'

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