RTI Act 2005 - Maharasthra CIC is downgraded because the response were unsatisfactory, Its transferred to IT Department Mantralay

We asked the question to Maharashtra Chief Information Commissioner on 13-06-2015. We got the response in about a month.
The replied to our question is -
This office has received your RTI application dtd.13/06/2015 made under Right to lnformation Act, 2005 on 14/07/2015.
ln this regards it is to intimate that the information sought by you is not related to this office. lt is related to lnformation and Technology Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai-400032. Hence, your RTI application, in original, is being transferred to state public Information officer, lnformation and Technology Department, Mantralaya, Madam Cama Road, Hutatma Rajguru chowk, Mumbai-400 032 under section 6 (3) of the RTl Act, 2005. You are therefore,requested to make further correspondence and follow-up to the said department directly. "
The RTI was responded to in exactly a month's time, which is generally considered acceptable in case of RTI applications. It is transferred to IT Department Mantralay, follow up with them directly. Okay... Whom to contact, is there a tracking number. Should we again send in speed post if no response after 3 months? Can I call? This one is really tricky bureaucracy. So that's why we downgrade Maharashtra Chief Information Commissioner.

As we know RTI boosts transparency, reduces corruption, strengthens accountability and also improves delivery of public services. Means RTI empowers you. But in the case of Maharashtra Information Commission many of the districts were lots of pending appeal. In Amravati and Pune RTI appeals pendency up by 96 percent, this is huge concern. Despite of this the SIC of Maharashtra brings out an order that they will go on three long vacations. This is also very interesting that under the RTI Act, SCIC is not permitted legally to take casual leave on his own. In this Act sanctioning leaves to others in the Information Commission is also not legally permitted.
Our Aim and we are looking for?
Is to bring efficiency, accountability and transparency in the state RTI system by having all the states on board rti.gov.in or a similar platform working with efficiency similar to existing service by central government. We at ballotboxIndia are a small group of professionals trying to flag wasteful exercises in the system. A child being in Maharashtra or Delhi can get into a school and grow into a trained professional in future with this kind of saved money - which will have a huge multiplier effect for the whole economy.
To carry this effort forward we are looking for RTI expert and RTI activist in Maharashtra, who can work towards a transparent state of Maharashtra with our team. If you are RTI expert and RTI activist want to actually work on making your state better, send the details on coordinators@ballotboxindia.com
If you know someone who can make a difference, make an introduction with this effort, you can also write to coordinators@ballotboxindia.com, or fill "Contact a coordinator" form by clicking the buttons on this page.
If you have a few hours to work in your community for common good, let us know and join as a coordinator.Would my efforts be funded? Yes if you have some time, skill and aptitude to make a difference ballotboxindia is the right platform. Get in touch with coordinators@ballotboxindia.com with your details.
ThanksCoordinators @ballotboxindia.com
Swarntabh Kumar 26
RTI Act 2005 - Maharasthra CIC is downgraded because the response were unsatisfactory, Its transferred to IT Department Mantralay
The replied to our question is -
This office has received your RTI application dtd.13/06/2015 made under Right to lnformation Act, 2005 on 14/07/2015.
ln this regards it is to intimate that the information sought by you is not related to this office. lt is related to lnformation and Technology Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai-400032. Hence, your RTI application, in original, is being transferred to state public Information officer, lnformation and Technology Department, Mantralaya, Madam Cama Road, Hutatma Rajguru chowk, Mumbai-400 032 under section 6 (3) of the RTl Act, 2005. You are therefore,requested to make further correspondence and follow-up to the said department directly. "
The RTI was responded to in exactly a month's time, which is generally considered acceptable in case of RTI applications. It is transferred to IT Department Mantralay, follow up with them directly. Okay... Whom to contact, is there a tracking number. Should we again send in speed post if no response after 3 months? Can I call? This one is really tricky bureaucracy. So that's why we downgrade Maharashtra Chief Information Commissioner.
As we know RTI boosts transparency, reduces corruption, strengthens accountability and also improves delivery of public services. Means RTI empowers you. But in the case of Maharashtra Information Commission many of the districts were lots of pending appeal. In Amravati and Pune RTI appeals pendency up by 96 percent, this is huge concern. Despite of this the SIC of Maharashtra brings out an order that they will go on three long vacations. This is also very interesting that under the RTI Act, SCIC is not permitted legally to take casual leave on his own. In this Act sanctioning leaves to others in the Information Commission is also not legally permitted.
Our Aim and we are looking for?
Is to bring efficiency, accountability and transparency in the state RTI system by having all the states on board rti.gov.in or a similar platform working with efficiency similar to existing service by central government. We at ballotboxIndia are a small group of professionals trying to flag wasteful exercises in the system. A child being in Maharashtra or Delhi can get into a school and grow into a trained professional in future with this kind of saved money - which will have a huge multiplier effect for the whole economy.
To carry this effort forward we are looking for RTI expert and RTI activist in Maharashtra, who can work towards a transparent state of Maharashtra with our team. If you are RTI expert and RTI activist want to actually work on making your state better, send the details on coordinators@ballotboxindia.com
If you know someone who can make a difference, make an introduction with this effort, you can also write to coordinators@ballotboxindia.com, or fill "Contact a coordinator" form by clicking the buttons on this page.
If you have a few hours to work in your community for common good, let us know and join as a coordinator.Would my efforts be funded? Yes if you have some time, skill and aptitude to make a difference ballotboxindia is the right platform. Get in touch with coordinators@ballotboxindia.com with your details.
ThanksCoordinators @ballotboxindia.com