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NITI Aayog Transferred Gomti River Front Research report to Adviser (WR) on 10-08-2016Good news, and thanks to NITI Ayog for transferring the research

Gomti River and Gomti Riverfront Lucknow - Analysis on Restoration and Development

Gomti River and Gomti Riverfront Lucknow - Analysis on Restoration and Development Send memo to NITI Ayog with research.

ByRakesh Prasad Rakesh Prasad   37

NITI Aayog Transferred Gomti River Front Research report to Adviser (WR) on 10-08-2016

Good news, and thanks to NITI Ayog for transferring the research to Adviser (WR) for further deliberations and action. We hope now this issue will reach right hands and some action will be taken.

NITI Aayog after becoming a Nodal agency in monitoring Sustainable development goals has partnered with Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) to proactively develop indicators to help maintain a high quality of actions around issues of critical importance to humanity and the planet.

Our appeal to them for intervention did meet with a forward to a senior official. It does raise hopes for further actions or any transparency on this issue.


The issue of Gomti Riverfront does relate to sustainable development goals defined by COP21 agreement. The sustainable development goals (SDGs) cover 17 goals and 169 relating targets resolved in the UN Summit meet 25-27 September 2015, in which India was represented at the level of Hon’ble Prime Minister. 

Let's hope all the speeches made about being an effective partner in the fight against sustainability hazards faced by our country were not just words, but a serious resolution to take actions was also backing it.


Gomti riverfront project is one such example of a mega infra project where every environment prudence, every smart project planning, all the transparency and accountability practices, and any long term solution oriented approach towards a major community systemic problem - Is simply trounced upon to jacket an already stressed river under dams, barrages, and deep concrete walls. The effort is not only very expensive but closes door on any more sane interventions to save this river and her channels.

Its a blunder of mega proportion, seen as a bravado exercise between state government vs central government which has built similar projects over Sabarmati river in their ruled state. As per political short-term prudence, this kind of cosmetic makeover is seen as a vote gaining exercise. News reports of people thronging the site lit with neon lights and mega fountains does prove the theory. Expecting a common citizen to understand the implications of such mega concretization is not fair. But expecting experts from NITI Aayog and Environment Ministries to understand and take action is fair and backed by all the moral obligations an expert and someone with real powers given by the public to look at their long-term sustainability.


Hope NITI Aayog officials will revert soon with an answer.

NITI Aayog Transferred Gomti River Front Research report to Adviser (WR) on 10-08-2016Good news, and

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