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Stubble Burning: Side effects and Possible alternatives
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Code# 5{{ descmodel.currdesc.id }}
Anant Srivastava {{descmodel.currdesc.readstats }}
India has a major agribusiness sector which achieved remarkable successes over the last three or four decades. India is an agricultural driven economy where more than 50% population is engaged in cultivation of agricultural products. Production just doesn’t feed the country but generates enough agriculture products to export to the outside world. India is one of the leading countries in production of crops such as wheat, rice, sugarcane and many more.
With million tons of agriculture crops producing every year, it also produces tons of agriculture waste. Agriculture waste or residue is made up of organic compounds from organic sources such as rice straw, sugar cane bagasse, coconut shell and others. With high amount of agriculture wastes, it becomes difficult for the farmers to dump that waste.
With reaping of paddy fields, large quantities of husk are generated that needs dumping. Farmers generally gather husk and put them to fire. Burning husk is the easiest of ways to dump the husk. But burning husk has several demerits.
Recently in India, husk burning cases by farmers of Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh have been penalized. FIRs have been lodged against 360+ farmers. National Green Tribunal (NGT) had imposed fine for burning husk reasoning it as the cause of pollution rise in Delhi region.
But why do farmers burn husk? There is very little they can do about the husk. When threshers thresh the paddy field, husk is left behind. Husk surrounds the paddy grain. During milling of paddy about 78% of weight is received as rice, broken rice and bran. Rest 22%of the weight of the paddy is husk. These days, farmers due to lack of labor and time prefer threshers over hand reaping, which leaves husk behind. Husk collecting machines are not provided by the government neither they are given subsides. So the easiest they can do before they sow wheat is collect husk and set it to fire. But they don’t know the harmful effects of burning husk on ground.
Few possible alternatives to Stubble Burning can be:
1) Providing stubble collecting machines to farmers to collect stubble.
2) Subsidizing or availing the stubble collecting machines at rent.
3) Providing reasonable labor to reap the paddy to avoid stubble generation. Providing labor would give temporary employment to people in need.
4) Allowing cattle to graze or feed upon to clear away husk and stubble.
5) Decomposing stubble in the farm field and turning it into the useful manure.
6) Making fodder for livestock out of collected stubble.
7) Setting up Bio-mass fuel plants to generate fuel using paddy husk.
8) Government should Involve or invite benefiting industries like cement industry to collaborate in husk/hull or stubble collection to use it proficiently.
9) Inviting packaging industries to collect stubble to make packaging boxes which are more environment friendly than other non-disposable materials like thermocole and plastic.
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