RTI Act 2005 - We Downgraded Sikkim CIC because they need documentary proof of being citizen of India
We got the Quick response from Sikkim Information Commission, but they need documentary proof of being citizen of India. This is their reply to our question-
This is to inform you that your RTI application is incomplete as per Rule 5 of Sikkim State Rights to Information (Regulation of Fee, Cost & Miscellaneous) Rules 2005. Because you haven't enclosed Documentary proof of being a citizen of India.
However the commission has no jurisdiction to furnish information as sought as your RTI application Dated ******** and you may kindly ask this question to the department of personal.
Rejected on technical grounds. Again the same reason this Action Group was raised. We Downgraded Sikkim CIC.
Our efforts arrises many questions in your mind, like- Why RTI is important for us? How online RTI can help you? Why are we forcing for online RTI system? Why every state should have their own and transparent RTI system?
The answer is, we are living in a digital age where people don’t have so much time, they cant wait in long line outside post office to get revenue ticket and other things related to RTI. In our country roads are constructed and damaged in one rain. Government hospital receives money but medicines and doctors are not available. In budget, money is allotted for education but teachers are not available in government schools, in many places teachers are not even appointed and along with that not even basic facilities are provided to students. There are many loops holes in our system. Every state have their own problems and citizens have to face these problems daily in their life. It is very difficult to reach government officials regarding these problems. We have RTI Act 2005 law through which we can gain various information from government agency, but it will not be effective until we make it online for every state. So there should be a transparent system in every state and for that every state should have a simple online RTI system for filling applications. So that people can easily take benefit from RTI Act 2005.

Our Aim and we are looking for?
Is to bring efficiency, accountability and transparency in the state RTI system by having all the states on board rti.gov.in or a similar platform working with efficiency similar to existing service by central government. We at ballotboxIndia are a small group of professionals trying to flag wasteful exercises in the system. A child being in Sikkim or Delhi can get into a school and grow into a trained professional in future with this kind of saved money - which will have a huge multiplier effect for the whole economy.To carry this effort forward we are looking for RTI expert and RTI activist in Sikkim, who can work towards a transparent state of Sikkim with our team.
If you are RTI expert and RTI activist want to actually work on making your state better, send the details on coordinators@ballotboxindia.com
If you know someone who can make a difference, make an introduction with this effort, you can also write to coordinators@ballotboxindia.com, or fill "Contact a coordinator" form by clicking the buttons on this page.
If you have a few hours to work in your community for common good, let us know and join as a coordinator.
Would my efforts be funded? Yes, if you have some time, skill and aptitude to make a difference ballotboxindia is the right platform. Get in touch with coordinators@ballotboxindia.com with your details.
Swarntabh Kumar 28
RTI Act 2005 - We Downgraded Sikkim CIC because they need documentary proof of being citizen of India
Our efforts arrises many questions in your mind, like- Why RTI is important for us? How online RTI can help you? Why are we forcing for online RTI system? Why every state should have their own and transparent RTI system?
Our Aim and we are looking for?
Is to bring efficiency, accountability and transparency in the state RTI system by having all the states on board rti.gov.in or a similar platform working with efficiency similar to existing service by central government. We at ballotboxIndia are a small group of professionals trying to flag wasteful exercises in the system. A child being in Sikkim or Delhi can get into a school and grow into a trained professional in future with this kind of saved money - which will have a huge multiplier effect for the whole economy.To carry this effort forward we are looking for RTI expert and RTI activist in Sikkim, who can work towards a transparent state of Sikkim with our team.