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Shiva- " The Destroyer "

Aditya Kumar

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ByAditya Kumar Aditya Kumar   18

Some facts about shiva, saivism and lord shiva."When Shiva beats his Damru, Evil Shakes !! while the Wise Awakes!
‘You are not Atlas carrying the world on your shoulder. It is good to remember that the planet is carrying you. Lord Shiva is also called as Neelkanth. Anyone who gets ‘self realization’ achieves the internal state of ‘Shiva’. seekers of Enlightenment and Moksha. …“Namah Shivaya” is the most holy name of Lord Shiva, and is recorded in the very center of the ancient Hindu VedasShiva is worshipped not only in India but all over world. Saivism is most popular sect after vaishnavism.He is also known as“Lord of tantra ”.It does not matter how you live , eat, sleep, what you listen, practicing saivism is above caste ,creed and sex.Lord Shiva is easy to worship-No priest needed for doing rituals & you can offer anything with love to. Lord Shiva is easy to worship-No priest needed for doing rituals & you can offer anything with love to lord and he’ll accept it .Also known as “Ardhnarishwar”which shows “Parvati” as her inseparable part and shows that she received equal honor by giving her a place to sit by his side.Also known as “Pashupati” -Lord of animals and -Adhiyogi-The first Yogi .He destroyed the giant asura race as “Rudra”- Shiva is reincarnation of Rudra.“Bhooteshwara”-Lord of bhoots and ganas “Bhairava”-Lord of terror,His union with Shakti is represented by the symbol Shatakona, the 6 pointed star and used to represent his son Murugan. He is known as “Khatvangin”, one who has a projectile Khatvangin in his hand and “Kawachi”- one who wears armour.(Kawachi was the lead ship of the two-ship Kawachi-class dreadnought battleships built for the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) in the first decade of the 20th century. Shiva had started Tandav (cosmic dance of death), which he performs at the end of an age, to destroy the universe. He did this when his wife (Sati, killed herself) .Sati later came back as Parvati

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