There are several hindrances when someone resolute to maintain Local water bodies.Few of them are:
of Correct Data: Large numbers of water bodies in
India are unmarked and the correct data of their existence in a particular
district or state is unavailable as their census has never been conducted.
of effective institutional framework: The negligence and the
weak monitoring of the water bodies by the concern and the responsible authorities
is a prime reason for the consistent deterioration of the water bodies in their
effective areas. Complete lack of synergy, strategy and coordination among the
implementing agencies has downgraded the state of the water bodies.
of acknowledgement of a water body as a land use category:
Very often redundant or dried water body lands are used or sold to greedy
builders and constructions are made. A case of Tamil Nadu where there was a
demand of regularization of dried water bodies, which was later turned down by
the court.
of awareness and people’s participation: Realization of the
importance of local water bodies is going down in people. Unlike our ancestors
who had ponds or wells attached to the temple or the house which were their
primitive method of water conservation, today’s generation knows little about
and is least bothered to conserve water bodies. Unfortunately, most of the
policies of the government do not urge local people in their conservation.
Lack of Consensus among the
stakeholders: Bringing diverse groups of people together to
arrive at a consensus to solve common problems like the protection and
management of water bodies is a big challenge. Different Local organizations,
welfare associations, activist groups, political organizations and government
agencies have very different ideologies, agendas and views. This difference of
opinion often makes protection and management of common resources difficult.
What are we looking for:
Encroachments in India have become a frequent scenario. Private builders are sold the lands of ponds,lakes,rivulets and other water bodies and are later developed into construction sites. Unfair trade of unsalable land and negligence towards environmental norms have lead to the ecological disturbance. The water table is going down. Now with the bodies like High Court who serve justice are alleged of encroaching ponds. To whom should people lay their faith upon?
At this point we are researching on the on going case and trying to gather available information through different mediums. We are contacting concerned nodal agencies for the details on the acquired HC land and also citing relevant cases of pond encroachments and their outcomes.
If you know something about the ongoing case :
If you know anything about the case and as a responsible citizen of the country want to contribute with the information,kindly contact us at: coordinators@ballotboxindia.com
If you know someone who can contribute:
If you know someone who is either an expert on water body encroachment cases or knows anything on the ongoing case or can contribute in some form, Kindly inform and ask them to contact us at : coordinators@ballotboxindia.com or fill "Contact a coordinator" form by clicking the buttons on this page.
If you want to work with us and contribute in your community, ballotboxindia.com is the right platform. To join contact: Click Follow Button
Your efforts and contributions can bring a change.
Anant Srivastava 29
There are several hindrances when someone resolute to maintain Local water bodies.Few of them are:
Lack of Correct Data: Large numbers of water bodies in India are unmarked and the correct data of their existence in a particular district or state is unavailable as their census has never been conducted.
Lack of effective institutional framework: The negligence and the weak monitoring of the water bodies by the concern and the responsible authorities is a prime reason for the consistent deterioration of the water bodies in their effective areas. Complete lack of synergy, strategy and coordination among the implementing agencies has downgraded the state of the water bodies.
Lack of acknowledgement of a water body as a land use category: Very often redundant or dried water body lands are used or sold to greedy builders and constructions are made. A case of Tamil Nadu where there was a demand of regularization of dried water bodies, which was later turned down by the court.
Lack of awareness and people’s participation: Realization of the importance of local water bodies is going down in people. Unlike our ancestors who had ponds or wells attached to the temple or the house which were their primitive method of water conservation, today’s generation knows little about and is least bothered to conserve water bodies. Unfortunately, most of the policies of the government do not urge local people in their conservation.
What are we looking for:
Encroachments in India have become a frequent scenario. Private builders are sold the lands of ponds,lakes,rivulets and other water bodies and are later developed into construction sites. Unfair trade of unsalable land and negligence towards environmental norms have lead to the ecological disturbance. The water table is going down. Now with the bodies like High Court who serve justice are alleged of encroaching ponds. To whom should people lay their faith upon?
At this point we are researching on the on going case and trying to gather available information through different mediums. We are contacting concerned nodal agencies for the details on the acquired HC land and also citing relevant cases of pond encroachments and their outcomes.
If you know something about the ongoing case :
If you know anything about the case and as a responsible citizen of the country want to contribute with the information,kindly contact us at: coordinators@ballotboxindia.com
If you know someone who can contribute:
If you know someone who is either an expert on water body encroachment cases or knows anything on the ongoing case or can contribute in some form, Kindly inform and ask them to contact us at : coordinators@ballotboxindia.com or fill "Contact a coordinator" form by clicking the buttons on this page.
If you want to work with us and contribute in your community, ballotboxindia.com is the right platform. To join contact: Click Follow Button