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Kukrail Nala-SITE VISIT

Kukrail Nala Lucknow a Major Tributory of river Gomti  - Research and analysis

Kukrail Nala Lucknow a Major Tributory of river Gomti - Research and analysis Kukrail Nala-Site Visit

ByAnant Srivastava Anant Srivastava   136

This action group contains my experiences and views on visiting the site of kukrail nala on 17th Jun

This action group contains my experiences and views on visiting the site of kukrail nala on 17th June 2016. kukrail nala is a fourth order tributary of River Gomti though it doesn't looks like that.

On my visit to kukrail nala, i captured several frames few of which have been put in a collage placed above. I captured places running along kukrail nala, starting near Ring road to the point of its confluence with the Gomti river near Gomti barrage adjacent to Bhainsa Kund(cremation Ground) .

This action group contains my experiences and views on visiting the site of kukrail nala on 17th Jun

This action group contains my experiences and views on visiting the site of kukrail nala on 17th Jun

This action group contains my experiences and views on visiting the site of kukrail nala on 17th Jun

My visit started from site beside Swarn Jayanti park on Ring road whose photo graphs are enclosed above. kukrail nala looked in a miserable condition with solid and non-biodegradable waste floating and obstructing the flow of nala. sewerage was deposed without prior treatment. Dead animal bodies and plastic waste was accumulated on the side lines. pigs and dogs were dwelling and the condition enunciated that it was a breeding beds for insects and mosquitoes causing fatal diseases.

This action group contains my experiences and views on visiting the site of kukrail nala on 17th Jun

This action group contains my experiences and views on visiting the site of kukrail nala on 17th Jun

Moving ahead(above pictures) I observed that communities of fortune less people was dwelling with their livestock alongside the kukrail nalakukrail nala that carries dirt,sewerage, sludge etc is a home of diseases like malaria, cholera, dengue, chickengunia et al , people living next to it are vulnerable to fatal diseases. They bathe their animals and dump their animals' dung in it. It decomposes and generates harmful gases.

This action group contains my experiences and views on visiting the site of kukrail nala on 17th Jun

This action group contains my experiences and views on visiting the site of kukrail nala on 17th Jun

Sewerage and sludge in the nala has sedimented in high amount, derailing the nala's flow. Silt accumulation is causing every trouble in the flow of nala.


This action group contains my experiences and views on visiting the site of kukrail nala on 17th Jun

Communities are living along sides, dumping their daily waste and looked less bothered of the consequences. Cattle rearing is practiced in high number as the embankment areas are vacant and improperly maintained and secured. They seem less aware of the hazardous diseases associated to filth.

This action group contains my experiences and views on visiting the site of kukrail nala on 17th Jun 

This action group contains my experiences and views on visiting the site of kukrail nala on 17th Junkukrail nala has no flow and seems stagnant. Still water breeds mosquitoes and insects. kukrail nala on its ways to confluence, at every point looks covered in dirt,plastic,sewerage ,sludge etc . The point of confluence is block due to the ongoing work of Gomti River Front development. What once was a blood line to river gomti, now carries poison.

Want to contribute in the research-

To carry this effort with good momentum we are looking for coordinators in Lucknow, who can work towards representing the river and its drainage systems, work with local experts to raise awareness and intervene as required. Kindly contact us at:

Who can be a coordinator -

Any one with a zeal to improve communities using a non confrontational approach, ready to collaborate with multiple entities and is systematic and patient. A working professional, an activist, a politician, a researcher, a housewife, a student. All he/she needs is an inclination for scientific ways, curiosity, respect and honor, and of course a few hours a week.

I can't add value for this particular effort but been active for common good or want to work for better communities ?

Send in your details to and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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