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Facebook offers IIT-Bombay girl Rs 2 crore package - Analysis after 2 years.

Right to education India - How to Skill Millions, Fighting Pits Vs. Enough opportunities.

Right to education India - How to Skill Millions, Fighting Pits Vs. Enough opportunities. Opinions & Updates

ByRakesh Prasad Rakesh Prasad   1042

News reports like this -
trumpeted the offered salary of a very bright kid in India - Here is the kid -
Personally being in the business for more than a decade of hiring in India, USA, London this kind of salary ($335,000) for a fresher by an established company is unheard of. 
Good graduates with MS fresh off college in USA can be hired with less than a $100,000 budget, especially when your company is established and mass hiring, since stability has its own value. A lot of Russian, Chinese and European engineers with advanced degrees and some experience can be hired for a bit more in 2015-2016.
So was this salary real, since no one follows up, is this kind of news created for mass hysteria to support the coaching industry. I started digging a bit.
Here are some data numbers for the student right now.
Again repeating she is an amazing talent, and its a shame for India if we can't create an environment so she and others like her can stay home and pull India out of poverty.
- She did internship in California - B1/B2 (I assume since is for 3 months).
- No mention what was her situation after the news of 2 crore salary - Between June 2014 - August 2015.
- The kid is now in London UK working as a software engineer for facebook, started August 2015.
The average salary for a software engineer as per glass door is between GBP - 52000  to GBP - 70000 which comes no where the salary advertised.
This is the kind of salary range available for any graduate from any decent college who visits London and stays there for a couple of years.
So why this kind of salaries are reported and to benefit whom.
Parents, please don't go by these numbers, think about how your kid can grow holistically and support your neighborhood schools.

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