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Gomti Riverfront Report by ABP - Engage Ombudsman

Sep 14, 2016  16:27 Sep 15, 2017  00:00 Rakesh Prasad Anamika Das 844 Milestone achieved via ratification(1Vs.0)

Gomti riverfront report on ABP News by Mr. Pankaj Jha had a lot of contradictions and misquotes.

Though it presented a

- Summary of the interference happening on fragile riverbed and river's flood plains.

- Massive money spent on the project.

- Plans on holding river flow by a rubber dam and then a river linking project.

- Indian mentality now a days to focus on selfies than long term sustainability and survival.

- The competition between politicians to outdo each others in placating Indian mass's "Selfie" mentality at the cost of massive river systems in India.

- Covered the expert's voice who quoted all the dangers of this development in a very lucid way, but reporter misquoted him.

Its a very serious issue, where reporting is done in a tone and quotes which contradict the content. This not only misleads public but can be termed as "consent manufacturing"

We will reach out to ABP News editor and ombudsman for clarifications and need be to National broadcasting Standards Authority Delhi

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