Engage Jammu & Kashmir CIC
Sep 8, 2016 09:13 Sep 19, 2016 00:15

Swarntabh Kumar 1,716
Swarntabh Kumar 09/28/2020 AMt 7:00AM
Find out from Jammu & Kashmir CIC if there is a plan or process to digitize the Right to Information process in the state in line with what central government provides. According to Jammu and Kashmir State Information Commission they say that with the enactment of J&K Right to Information Act 2009, a resident of J&K State has a right to have access to information “held by or under the control of the Public Authorities” in the State. He can now question, examine and assess government acts and decisions to ensure that these are consistent with public interests and good governance. This Act has made government more open to public scrutiny. RTI has given a boost to the freedom of speech and expression to general public.

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