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Activists moved to Supreme Court seeking transfer of PIL (Public Interest Litigation) from Allahabad court to NGT



ByAnant Srivastava Anant Srivastava   18

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Petitioners Ashok shankaram and Neeraj Pandey have moved to Supreme Court seeking transfer of PIL(Public Interest Litigation) from Allahabad court to National Green Tribunal(NGT). Petitioners have alleged that Lucknow High Court's new building is standing over ponds and as the issue is directly related to HC being the beneficiary, it is not appropriate for HC to handle the issue.

After  Supreme court declared in 2009 that protection and preservation of ponds would substantially mitigate the potable water problem,two petitioners- Ashok Shankaram and Neeraj Pandey filed a petition in Lucknow bench of Allahabad High Court in 2013 with data about land mafia allegedly destroying ponds in collusion with LDA(Lucknow development Authority).  


The petitioners then took RTI route and stumbled upon startling information. 

LDA had provided a site map which showed that pond situated on Khasra no.52 of village vijaipur was shown as low land and which is a part of the land allotted to HC. LDA has not filed its response even after three years.


Petitioners further alleged that it was a well planned conspiracy by LDA to facilitate the ongoing construction and HC has not passed any effective order to subvert the illegal design.  

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