- 32988 Hectares of land development.
- Housing about 20 Lacks persons.
- Creating an economic powerhouse in Delhi NCR region of worth much more than - Rs. 892000000000.00 i.e. Rs. 89 Thousand Crore/Yr considering PCI of 4.46 Lacks of 20,00000 residents and many more in the visiting population, paying tolls, taking the metro connecting Delhi to Manesar.
A project of national interest, urgency, and impending planning failures of the Dwarka Expressway Economic Corridor.
While Dwarka expressway development corridor boasts of billions of dollars of economic push and plans to house millions, has over Rs. 7000 Crore earmarked to develop the highway. Any news byte creates ripples in Gurgaon realty and shores up the aspirations of millions. There are some major planning flaws between the dream and reality of Dwarka Expressway.
While the masterplan was created just on paper without critical land acquired or related execution and coordination plan in place, the road was delayed over a decade owing to the DDA and Delhi government delay in acquiring land for the project for years, same for the Haryana government and HUDA which took years and years to resolve the land acquisition issues, with the nerves of all including homebuyers, builders and agencies in the fray.
The land was handed over to the NHAI in late 2018 for the development of the road, and there is slow progress now on the ground.
But even after the debacle of this high profile, most publicized road, local agencies haven't learned their lessons.
Dwarka expressway is not just a road, the thousands of crores invested in building this and all the pains taken will fail if it can't meet the revenue target it forecasts. The revenue targets can be met only when the areas adjacent to Dwarka expressway economic corridor develop at a fast pace. These sectors are the economic lifelines to the whole corridor very similar to the 21 tributaries are the lifeline of the River Ganges. We can't see Dwarka Expressway as simply a wide highway and ignore the fact that such infrastructure has to be supported by a strong urban workforce who are living and going to be living in the 35 adjacent sectors spread across thousands of acres of highly urbanized land.
But, the same agencies which worked in such a lackluster manner in acquiring and implementing the Dwarka expressway, and denied the economic benefits the nation should have already achieved owing to their planning and coordination failures, are again repeating the same mistakes.
It will baffle anyone's mind that a project of such an important economic significance, public interest, and larger developmental purposes is again languishing at the hands of local agencies.
1. The sector roads which should have been built by now to cater to the Dwarka expressway economic corridor are nowhere to be seen, with no movement done in the planning and execution front.
2. Sewerage and stormwater trunks, road-culverts that should have been built with urgency while the residential/commercial projects are being built all around the corridor - is seeing no movement.
3. Electricity infrastructure which is needed to catch up with the fast pace economic activities forecasted on the corridor and make this project viable is yet to see the daylight and the public domain.
4. An institutional framework like Police Stations, public community centers, public parks, Stadiums, PHCs, Hospitals, Educational infra like Government Schools, center for higher education is simply on papers.
All this is not only a cause of distress to the people who have dreamt of being a part of this corridor but also is a major jolt to the Indian economic story which can learn a lot from the utter coordination failures of central planning and local execution of such projects in India.
Owing to the non-availability of compulsory infrastructure or their dilapidated state, the whole Dwarka expressway is languishing with failed projects, investors' confidence at abysmal levels, anger, and mistrust at the local levels, with fast deteriorating lives of whoever is living in these sectors.
The economic corridor still has the potential to shore up the NCR economy, create millions of jobs and pull a large population out of poverty and build a strong middle class, but only that local agencies wake up and start acting with the urgency of this project and everything supporting it deserves.
Else it simply tells the story of why China is now a superpower that can stare the USA in the eyes and we are nowhere within 5 times of GDP developmental leap needed, while engulfed in a massive border conflict with China. A border which needs massive technological, infrastructural, and defense mechanism to be defended with and which can only be supported by the economic might created by projects like Dwarka Expressway and rapid urbanization of the region, and such regions.
We will keep documenting any response we get from the agencies on this matter as public purpose research of systemic scope, if you are also engaged with agencies and trying to get development plan execution fast-tracked, contact us by filling the form below.