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  • Humane Agrarian Center

Humane Agrarian Center

The stepping stone towards Periodic Proportionate Farming (आवर्तनशील खेती )

The concept of 'Avartansheel Kheti' (Periodic Proportionate Farming) is highly innovative in content and revolutionary in temper. Its approach is holistic in treatment and it aims all-round development of farming and farmers.

Throughout recorded human history, farmers have been subject to gross exploitation, deprivation and suffering, and even in the 14th century England agrarian movement and peasant uprisings have been reported. Oppressed by feudal taxes, tithe and serfdom many of the laity left farming, fled from their village an reached London to work as laborers. Soon, they started prospering there. While their fellow laity at home suffered miserably living in abject poverty and starvation.

When farming became more miserable and crops uncertain, large numbers of farmers in almost every part of the globe gave up farming and settled in big cities and towns to do laboring work. As a result, agricultural area was reduced and production declined. Moreover growing urbanization, construction of highways, flyovers, malls and SEZ(Special economic Zone) on agricultural land have further reduced the farming area. Excessive and indiscriminate use of fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides and other chemicals has indeed harmed Indian agriculture very much. With this the very taste and nutritive quality of the product is spoiled and the soil is fast losing its fertility. These can be well restored and improved through 'Aavartansheel Kheti'. 

Humane Agrarian Center is an epicenter towards disseminating the lost and innovative knowledge and methods of agriculture, rooted in very specific needs of Indian land and farmers.

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Code# 115679382

  • Humane Agrarian Center(Rakesh Prasad) - Upgraded (+1) Click for More
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