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  • By
  • Sameer Srivastava
  • New Delhi
  • Jan. 31, 2017, 7:39 a.m.
  • 123
  • Code - 61998

WE, THE PEOPLE - And our Shared responsibility on community building spectrum.

  • WE, THE PEOPLE - And our Shared responsibility on  community building spectrum.
  • Oct 26, 2015
In the old days when today's young generation were only children, when people had ample of spare time on every day, when the apartment culture was not there, when mobile phones were a luxury (Leave aside social media)...what was the biggest PLUS???
I also belong to this cadre of people...the common INDIAN. This thought came to me just recently when I was pondering why I am always short of time for myself, for my family and friends (Off course now a days society never comes into our equation on a routine basis).

I went into flashback to my school days... how I played with my friends all evening and then managing to finish my homework and revisions quiet comfortably, how my father used to be busy watering the small plantation near our house. Neighbors sitting with my mother in the lawn for long gossips.
And suddenly I realized that it was the willingness to CONNECT to PEOPLE and NATURE that kept us going and alive.

I could relate the same to my college days and even the beginning years of my professional life. BUT when and where it changed???
I used to be a lot happy and agile, open to change and challenges and also cared for social problems (Although not done anything for any social cause).
But when I see my today's mindset, I find that I have changed DRASTICALLY and now I have figured it out that it is not going to be easy or good for me to continue living like this.

So I have decided to use today's technology to connect like minded people and bring the best out of them (Including ME).
Although I don't have any concrete ideas or plans as of now but I can assure that it is just the begginning for me and it can be a beginning for you as well which is "CHANGE OF MINDSET".

In today's India, there is a large contingent of people who are not ready to take responsibility of any social change. Although they are educated and concerned enough. But the concerns are currently limited to sharing of views on social media and up to a level of complaint and frustration.
I guess it is time that we start the CHANGE from OURSELVES when expecting the same from OTHERS and AUTHORITIES.

In this action group, I am going to bring out the issues of our society which we all face everyday along with the part of solution that has to be initiated from WE, THE PEOPLE!!!

More to be followed...

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Code# 61998

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