Latest on Governance
Odisha Right to Information Act - Support Digital and #OneRTI for Odisha and India
Right to information (RTI Act 2005) Odisha - Is it in sync with Digital and One India.We started researching on Right to information (RTI 2005) systems in India starting with Center then going to every state. In the same series we evaluated Odisha, with below methodology same for every state -We got a citizen of India file an RTI with Chief Information Commission of OdishaTo the chief Information Commissioner.Please provide me with below information.1. Does your state have a web portal supportin Read more...
Meghalaya Right to Information Act (RTI Act 2005) - Support Digital and #OneRTI for Meghalaya and India
Right to information (RTI Act 2005) Meghalaya - Is it in sync with Digital and One India.We started researching on Right to information (RTI 2005) systems in India starting with Center then going to every state. In the same series we evaluated Meghalaya, with below methodology same for every state -We got a citizen of India file an RTI with Chief Information Commission of MeghalayaTo the chief Information Commissioner.Please provide me with below information.1. Does your state have a web portal Read more...