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Chandauli (Uttar Pradesh)
  • Attributions - By User:Haros based on map created by w:user:Nichalp & w:user:Planemad [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons
  • Source Note - Map for representation purpose only with proper attribution on source, no political accuracy claimed.

Chandauli (Uttar Pradesh)

Chandauli District is a district of Uttar Pradesh state of India, and Chandauli town is the district headquarters. Chandauli district is a part of Varanasi Division.Chandauli became a separate district for the first time on May 20, 1997. However, after coming into power, Mayawati dissolved it on January, 2004 and ensured its merger again in Varanasi.
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Code# 3196

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Important Data Points On Chandauli (Uttar Pradesh)

Below charts are quantitative in nature without commenting about qualitative aspect of them. E.g. Piped water connection may say N Percent but how many hours, what water quality and water pressure is yet to be determined and fixed. The data points below can be used as a baseline to start Research Action Groups and contribute towards the ideal & sustainable community.

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