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Ajmer Rajasthan /518119549 Latest News
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Ajmer (Rajasthan)
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Ajmer (Rajasthan)

Located in the heart of Rajasthan Ajmer is a small town with a very interesting past and in todays world  growing facets of growth and development in aspects of Culture, Education, state and privately owned Industrial & infrastructure establishments coalesce towards the fascination for trade tourism and investments in the district. Lying between 25°38" and 26°58" North Latitudes and 73°54" and 75°22" East Longitudes, Ajmer is situated in the centre of Rajasthan State. The district derives its name from the head quarter town of Ajmer. The district is surrounded by Jaipur and Tonk district in East and Pali district in west, Nagaur district touches its North boundries while Bhilwara district in the South, the total geographical Area of Ajmer district is 8.50 lac hectares, for land utilization purpose, the area was reported 8.42 lacs hectares in 2007-2008. Ajmer district stands at 16th place among the existing 33 districts or the State so far its total area is concerned.

History [2] [3] [4]

The ancient name of city was 'Ajaymeru'. The Sanskrit word 'Meru' means a hill and Ajay used as a qualifying adjective to mery (hill), implying that this hill was invincible or un-conquerable by enemies probably due to its inaccessibility. The ancient name ‘Ajaymeru’ later became Ajmer through colloquial terminology. Ajmer was also combining of the name of Raja Ajaypal. The traditional founder of the city and the fort (Taragarh) in Merwara. Since this expressed the physical feature only, the former meaning appears to be more plausible rather than indentifying with Ajay Raja.  Ajmer was founded by Raja Ajaipal Chauhan in the 7 century A.D. It remained a strong hold of the Chauhans till 1193 A.D. when Prithvi Raj Chauhan the last Hindu ruler lost it to Mohammed Gauri, than become past of Delhi Sultanate, but Rana Kumbha of Mewar and Raja Maldeo of Marwar established Rajput rule over Ajmer. From then onwards, Ajmer became battle ground for power between the Rajputs, Mugals and Marathas, the British finally annexed it after the treaty in 1818 A.D. with Maratha chief and held Ajmer as a Chief Commissioner's pride. During the British rule, it was considered expidient for purely political considerations that this small but strategic area or Ajmer should be retained and administrated by the Central Government. After independence State Govt. extended its claim over Ajmer with the argument that geographically, ethnological and linguistically Ajmer is and has been an integral part of Rajasthan. The re-organization Commission constituted for the purpose investigated case for merger and finally recommended and consequently the region or Ajmer was merged with Rajasthan on 1st November 1956 and became one or the eminent district of Rajasthan State. Today this place is not only known for holy Pushkar Lake & Beautiful temples on one hand and the Durgah of Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti the other hand but also an important trade, commerce industrial and transportation centre of Rajasthan.

Topography [2]

 The district has no natural division. Its boundaries are territorial and composed of four sub-divisions namely Ajmer, Beawar, Kekri, and Kishangarh. Ajmer sub-division forms the Northern part of district and is more or less triangular in shap, Beawar sub-division is an irregular terrain lying the sourth-west of district. The track is generally hilly. Kekri sub-division forms the south Eastern portion of the district and consists of two narrow strips of land separated from each other. The distinguishing feature of the district is the Arawali range, which comes into prominence near the town of Ajmer. About 16 km, the hills disappear for a short distance but again form a compact double range in the neighborhoods of Beawar.

Demography [7]

As per the Census 2011, the population of Ajmer district is 2,583,052 where 1,324,085 are males and 1,258,967 are females. In the age group of 0-6 years, there are 381,167 kids out of which 200,511 are boys and 180,656 are females.

The literacy rate in the district is 59% and population density stands about 324 persons/sq km. The Household density is 62 houses /sq Km.

The district is equipped with 47.4% piped water connections and only 4.1% houses have sewerage connections.

Penetration of electricity connections in houses is 81.3% and internet is 2.8% houses.

Availability of Minerals  [2]

The geology of district is that of the Aravalli range which extends throughout the district except the North-Western part which is flat and plain and covered by sand dunes. Almost whole of the area shows very strip vertical digs and the rock are repeated several times in the section. It is quartizite section which forms heighest peaks above the general level of range at Taragarh near Ajmer. The best rocks in the region are granites, felspathics chists, calgeneisses marble and quartzites exposed along the Ajmer Nasirabad pass. Gneiss and granite are predominate towards Beawar section but towards Ajmer, the granite alternates with limestone, mica chists and Felspathetic quartzite, coarse grained marble, lime and building stone is seen in the South West plains of Ajmer. Among other minerals found in the district are mica, asbestos, vemiculite, soap stone, masonary stone and brickclay. Granite deposite, are found at (Sendra), Beawar, Bandanwara and Kishangarh.

Production of minerals (as per 2011 reports)  [2]

As per the reports of mining and geology office, production in tones is as follows: Felspar (332378.20), Quartz (93436), Asbestos (Nil), Lime Stone (1080716.5), Soap Stone (1580), Vermiculite (Nil), Marble Block (942352), Masonary Stone (3151952), Lime Stone Burning (157234), Jhanihar Kankar Bazari (1587235), Granite (unkonown), Velstonite (1740) and Mica (700).


The forest cover in Ajmer district is 3.33%. The forest crop in the Ajmer district is very poor and the commercial tree like teak, Sal and Shisham do occur but hardly reach and appreciable size in the area. The important species of Ajmer district forest are Dhokra, Salar, Khejra, Khair, Ber, Aranja and Koulasse and the Cenchrus ciliaris, Schima marvous, dichanthium annulatxum, Chloris barbata, Chysopsson etc. are the important grasses in the absence of dense forest in the district, the tiger is seen very occasionally in the Beawar forests leopards and hyenas are found in the hills of Nagpahar to Dawair. Black duck ravine deer and Nil Gai are found in Ajmer and hazes partridges and gray are common and found in all seasons.

Divisions and Administration [2] [5] [6]

The Ajmer district is presently composed by four sub-division viz; Ajmer, Beawar, Nasirabad, Masuda, Kekri and Kishangarh with a view to have better control and smooth working. The sub-divisions have further divided into 9Tehasils namely Ajmer, Beawar, Nasirabad, Kekri, Kishangarh, Masuda, Bhinai, Pisangan and Sarwar and eight Panchayat Samities namely Shrinagar, Pisagan, Jawaja, Masuda, Bhinai, Kekri, Silora and Arain.

As of may 2017

1.       District Magistrate(DM) of Ajmer is Shri Gaurav Goyal

2.       Additional Superintendent of Police(SSP) of Ajmer is Devendra Kumar

3.       Mayor of Ajmer is Shri Dharmendra Gehlot

4.       Chief Medical and Health officer is Dr K.K Soni

5.       District Information Officer(DIO,NIC) is Shri Ankur Goyal

Public Health [2]

As per the report in 2011 census, Status of public health in the district is as follows:

(a)Allopathic Hospital                                                             75

(b)Beds in Allopathic hospitals                                            2344

(c)Ayurvedic Hospital                                                             139

(d)Beds in Ayurvedic hospitals                                               -

(e)Unani hospitals                                                                    06

(f) Community health centers                                                 11

(g)Primary health centers                                                         43

(h)Dispensaries                                                                           13

(i) Sub Health Centers                                                                41

 (j) Private hospitals                                                                    54

 (K) Homoepathic Hospitals                                                      04

Industries and Enterprises [2]

Industries are necessary for development of the State. It indicates an optimum utilization of available minerals, agriculture, live stock and other resources for increasing Industrial production, creating additional employment opportunities, eliminating regional imbalances, entrepreneurship and augmenting the financial resources of the state. In Ajmer district 8 medium scale Industries and 17663 small scale & cottage Industries were registered up to March, 2011. The total investment involved was Rs. 92797.54 lakhs giving employment opportunities to about 87420 persons. The main Industries of the district are based on textile, food products, leather and leather products, wood products, feldspars and quartz grinding, marble, asbestos and cement.

There are total 17663 registered industrial units out of which registered medium & large industry unit no. are 08, with turnover of 231570 lakhs and employment in those industries is about 3529. 

·         Large Scale Industries / Public Sector undertakings [2]

List of the units in Ajmer & Near By Area

 (1) Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd., Ajmer

(2) Shree Cement Limited, Beawar.

(3) R.K. Marbles Ltd. Ajmer

 (4) Costmet Works Pvt. Ltd. Kharva-Masuda

 Large scale industry major Exportable Item

(i) Engineering goods,

(ii) Mineral based ball Mill,

(iii)The Emery stone flour mill.

(iv) H.M.T Machines.

 (v) Marble & Granite.

(vi) Cement.

·         Medium Scale Enterprises [2]

List of the units in Ajmer & Near By Area

(1) Ajmer Zila Dugdh Utpadak Sangh Ltd., Ajmer

(2) Uttra Food & Feed, Gagwana

(3) Ajmer Food Product Pvt. Ltd.

(4) Raghuveer Metal Industry Limited.

Medium scale industry major Exportable Item

(i) Engineering goods

(ii) P.H. Meter, temperature detectors


(iv) Skimmed Milk Powder

·         Small scale industries [2]

The estimated avg. no. of daily worker employed in small scale industries is 87420 and the turnover of this small scale industry is 212450 lakhs. 

Out of existing micro and small scale industries and artisan units, there are industries of Food products (846), Beverages, Tobacco & Tobacco products (78), Cotton textiles (2648), Wool, Silk & Synthetic Fiber textile (411),  Jute, Hump & Masta textiles (117), Textile product (Including wearing apparel other then footwear) (1002), Wood and wood products furniture & fixture (994), Paper & paper products & Printing (521), Leather & fur. Products (except repair) (2663), Rubber, Plastic, Petroleum & Coal products (337), Chemical & Chemical products (336), Minerals base units (2743), Basic metal & Alloys industries (144) Metal products & Parts except Machinery & transport equipment(814), Machinery, Machine tools & Part except elect. Machines (276), Electrical Machinery apparatus Appliances (117), Transport equipment & parts (29), Other Mfg. industries (2472), Medical & Health services (8), Personnel services (300), Repair & Service (807).

·         Service Enterprises [2]

1. Offset Printing

2. Leather Bags repairing

3. Cycle repairing

4. Watch repairing

5. Type writers repairing

6. T.V. Transistor repairing

7. Battery charging

8. Sewing machine repairing

9. Water pump repairing

10. TV Repairing

11. Mobile repairing

12. Automobile repairing

13. Tiffin Centre

14. Printing press.

15. Computer hardware repairing shop.

The total number of industrial areas is 30

Architecture [1]

The Ajmer Sharif Dargah

Located in the heart of Rajasthan Ajmer is a small town with
a very interesting past and in todays w 

This is a Sufi shrine which encloses the ‘maqbara’ (grave) of Garib Nawaz, the Sufi saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti. Built in the 13th century, the shrine is popular among people of all faiths who flock here to have their prayers answered. The shrine has three gates – the main gate or the Nizam gate, the Shah Jahan gate erected by the Mughal Emperor and the Buland Darwaza. Another big draw at this holy shrine is the sacred and scrumptious food that is served to devotees. Cooked in giant cauldrons known as ‘degs’, devotees gather in throngs to be blessed by this prasad.

Happy valley (Chashma a Noor)

Dargah Of Syed Meeran Hussain Khing Sawar: At the highest point of Taragarh fort stands the Dargah of Hazrat Syed Meeran Hussian Khing Sawar who was the governor of Ajmer after its conquest by Sultan Muhammad Ghori (Persian: معز الدین محمد غوری‎‎), born Shihab ad-Din. During the reign of Qutubuddin Ebak, Syed Meeran Hussain was the Garrison of Taragarh Fort. He also live in the fort. While playing polo in Lahore, Qutubuddin Ebak fell down from the back of the horse and died, in 1210CE.

Taragarh Fort

The fort guarding Ajmer, was the seat of the Chauhan rulers and was originally believed to be built by Mughal ruler Akbar. It is reputed to be one of the oldest hill forts in India and the world. It was built by King Ajaypal Chauhan on the summit of Taragarh Hill and overlooks Ajmer. The battlements run along the top of the hill. The walls are two miles (3 km) in circumference and the fort can only be approached by way of a very steep slope. When it fell to the British Raj, the fort was dismantled on the orders of Lord William Bentinck and was converted into a sanatorium for the British troops stationed at the garrison town of Nasirabad.

Adhai Din Ka Jhonpda

Located in the heart of Rajasthan Ajmer is a small town with
a very interesting past and in todays w

The Adhai Din Ka Jhonpda was originally built to function as a Sanskrit college but was later converted into a mosque by Sultan Ghori in 1198 AD. An impressive blend of Indo-Islamic architecture, the structure was further beautified by Sultan Iltutmish in 1213 AD. Legend has it that the mosque is known as Adhai din ka Jhonpda (literally meaning, The Hut of Two and a Half Days) because of a two and half day fair held here during Urs in the 18th century.

Akbari Fort & Museum

The city's museum, was once the residence of Prince Salīm, the son of the Emperor Akbar, and presently houses a collection of Mughal and Rajput armour and sculpture. This is a magnificent example of Mughal architecture, construction of which was commissioned by Akbar in 1570. This is where Salim, as the Emperor Jahangir, read out the firman permitting the British East India Company to trade with India.

Tomb of Khwaja Husain Ajmeri

Tomb (Maqbara, Shrine ) of Khwaja Husain Ajmeri Chishty Rehamatullah Alaih (Shaikh Husain Ajmeri) who was the suprintendant and Sajjada Nasheen of Ajmer Sharif Dargah in Emperor Akbar's Time. He was the great grandson of Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishty Rehmatullah Alaih, his tomb was built in 1637–1638 near Sola Khamba (tomb of Khwaja Alauddin Chishty) he is also great grand son of Khawaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishty Rehmatulla Alaih, both tomb are behind the shahjahani mosque Dargah Khwaja Saheb Ajmer

Mayo College

Located in the heart of Rajasthan Ajmer is a small town with
a very interesting past and in todays w 

Mayo College is one of India’s oldest independent boarding schools. Founded in 1875, and named after Richard Bourke, the 6th Earl of Mayo, Mayo College was set up to provide the scions of India’s princely states with an education similar to that provided by the Eton College in Britain. John Lockwood Kipling, father of Nobel Laureate, Rudyard Kipling, as principal of Mayo College, furnished the design of the Coat of Arms which shows a Rajput and a Bhil warrior. The college building is one of the finest extant examples of Indo-Saracenic style of architecture.

Anasagar Lake

Located in the heart of Rajasthan Ajmer is a small town with
a very interesting past and in todays w

Anasagar Lake is a scenic artificial lake, commissioned and built by Arnoraj Chauhan, son of Ajaypal Chauhan, between 1135 and 1150 AD. Arnoraj was also known as Anaji, which gives the lake its name. Many years later, Mughal Emperor Jahangir added his touch to the lake by laying out the Daulat Bagh Gardens near the lake. Emperor Shah Jahan too, contributed to the expansion by building five pavilions, known as the Baradari, between the garden and the lake.

The Sai Baba Temple

Spread over an area of over five bheegas (or over two acres) at Ajay Nagar, the Sai Baba Temple in Ajmer was constructed by Suresh K Lal, a resident of the Garib Nawaz City in 1999. It’s one of the most recent pieces of architecture and is very popular among all Sai Baba devotees. The temple is built with the purest form of marble that possesses the unique quality of a translucent stone, allowing light to pass through it. Every Sai Baba disciple should definitely visit this shrine once in their lifetime.

Soniji Ki Nasiyan

Located in the heart of Rajasthan Ajmer is a small town with
a very interesting past and in todays w

Soniji ki Nasiyan, also known as the Ajmer Jain Temple, is a wonderful example of ornate architecture, and is dedicated to Risabh or Adinath. Its entrance is made of red stone and the marble staircase inside is engraved with images of the holy Tirthankars – omniscient teachers of Jain faith who taught righteousness. Constructed in the late 19th century, this temple is counted among the richest temples in India. Its main chamber, Swarna Nagari (City of Gold), is aptly named so because of the several gold-plated wooden figures it houses within its walls. This famous architectural marvel finds a mention in Kurt Titze's book, ‘Jainism: A Pictorial Guide to the Religion of Non-Violence.’.

Lake Foy Sagar

Located in the heart of Rajasthan Ajmer is a small town with
a very interesting past and in todays w

A beautiful artificial lake that appears flat, Lake Foy Sagar was built by an English engineer, Mr. Foy in 1892 AD. Interestingly, this work was taken up to provide famine relief through wage employment to locals. Lake Foy Sagar offers a beautiful view of the Aravalli range.

Nareli Jain Temple

The Nareli Jain Temple in Ajmer, also known as the Shri Gyandoaya Tirth Kshetra, is situated on the outskirts of Ajmer on the national highway to Jaipur. This modern edifice is celebrated for being a perfect blend of traditional and contemporary architectural styles. It consists of 24 miniature temples in its vicinity. Known as Jainalay, they represent the Jain Thirthankars. The Nareli Jain Temple is an important point of pilgrimage for Digambara Jains.

Prithviraj Smarak

Prithviraj Smarak is dedicated to Mahraja Prithviraj of Rajput Chauhan dynasty of Ajmer. It is located on the way from Ajmer to Pushkar. Tourists enjoys a great view of Ajmer city from here. This place has a life size statue of King prithviraj chauhan and features a daily light & music show.

Fairs and Festivals [1]


Teej refers to all the monsoon festivals observed particularly in the western and northern states of India. The festivals celebrate the bounty of nature, arrival of the monsoon, greenery and birds with social activities, rituals & custom


The most popular festival in Jodhpur is the Marwar Festival. The two-day festival is held every year in the month of Ashwin (between September and October) in memory of the heroes of Rajasthan.


The Kolayat Fair of Bikaner holds great importance for the locals who eagerly await it. Tourists also experience a great time as the fair is celebrated on an expansive scale. Also known as ‘Kapil Muni Fair’, it is held in the month of November. The pomp and show of the fair is not its only attraction as it also possesses great religious significance. A large number of devotees visit the fair to take a holy dip in the Kolayat Lake. It is believed that a holy dip can absolve them of all their sins.


Every year, the Chandrabhaga Fair in Rajasthan welcomes thousands of visitors and participants from all over the nation. It is held at Jhalrapatan, situated at a distance of about six kilometres from Jhalawar, in the month of Kartik (October and November). This fair attracts travellers, pilgrims and explorers alike with rituals and traditions practiced in this region. A lot of pilgrims assemble on the banks of river Chandrabhaga during the fair and participate in this gala event. The festival, named after the river Chrandrabhaga, is considered very sacred by the people of Rajasthan. People travel from far just for a dip in the river as they believe this will purify their souls. A huge cattle fair is also organised here, where livestock such as cows, horses, buffaloes, camels and bullocks are purchased from various parts for resale. The fair includes several spiritual and traditional activities. During the fair, the Department of Tourism organises activities over a course of 3 days like traditional Deepdan, Shobha Yatra and various competitions as well as cultural evenings.


Bikaner Camel Festival is an annual festival dedicated to the ship of the desert. Organised by Rajasthan Tourism in the month of January, the celebrations include camel races, camel milking, fur cutting design, best breed competition, camel acrobatics and camel beauty pageants. The camels themselves are beautifully bedecked and form a colourful spectacle against the red backdrop of the Junagarh Fort. There's plenty of scope for eating, souvenir-shopping and photography at this festival. Other sights to watch out for include the skirt-swirling folk dancers, fire dancers and the spectacular fireworks show, that lights up the night sky above the fortified Desert City.

Food and Cuisine [1]

There is never an end to lip smacking finger licking food in Rajasthan. The delicacies reflect the Rajputana culture in the purest forms. Just like the dialect, the cuisine in Rajasthan also differs every few miles. However, the most renowned dishes still are the Dal-bati-churma, lal and safed maans, soyeta and lasun-ki-chutney that accomplish at savouring your palate.

In the earlier days, due to the war situations and lack of vegetation in Rajasthan, womenfolk would prepare dishes that could be preserved over a long period of time. But considering the modernisation in the country, fruits and vegetables from all over the world are easily available in the state. One can also find international food outlets in the major cities.









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