Sameer Verma ADM Kanpur Nagar (Land Aquisition) - Admin Interview 1
Event Location - kanpur ADM Office
Event Starts At - May 19, 2017 - 9:39 AM
Event Ends At - May 9, 2019 - 12:00 AM
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Rakesh Prasad 1,340
Rakesh Prasad 09/28/2020 AMt 7:00AM
As part of Democratic Reforms research, Prof. Navodita Pandey will meet ADM Kanpur Nagar Mr. Sameer Verma to take his opinions and pointers. As an ADM Mr. Sameer Verma has responsibility to run elections in an efficient manner in the Kanpur District and can provide very valuable insights into not only the elections process but also the campaign mechanism which is in place to drive voters to the voting booths and helps decide whom to vote.
In case responsiblities not assigned, any negative or positive reputation would go to everyone.
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