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  • West Bengal Information Commission

West Bengal Information Commission

The State Information Commission will be constituted by the State Government through a Gazette notification. It will have one State Chief Information Commissioner (SCIC) and not more than 10 State Information Commissioners (SIC) to be appointed by the Governor. 2. Oath of office will be administered by the Governor according to the form set out in the First Schedule. 3. The headquarters of the State Information Commission shall be at such place as the State Government may specify. Other offices may be established in other parts of the State with the approval of the State Government. 4. The Commission will exercise its powers without being subjected to any other authority.

1. The Central Information Commission/State Information Commission has a duty to receive complaints from any person - 

a)  who has not been able to submit an information request because a PIO has not been appointed ;

b)  who has been refused information that was requested;

c)  who has received no response to his/her information request within the specified time limits ;

d)  who thinks the fees charged are unreasonable ;

e)  Who thinks information given is incomplete and false or misleading ; and

f)  Any other matter relating to obtaining information under this law.

2. Power to order inquiry if there are reasonable grounds.

3. CIC / SCIC will have powers of Civil Court such as –

a)  summoning and enforcing attendance of persons, compelling them to give oral and written evidence on oath and to produce documents and thinks;

b)  requiring the discovery and inspection of documents;

c) receiving evidence on affidavit;

d) requisitioning public records or copies from any court or office;

e) issuing summons for examination of witness or documents;

f) any other matter which may be prescribed

4. All records covered by this law (including hose covered by exemptions) must be given to CIC/SCIC during inquiry for examination.

5. Power to secure compliance of its decisions from the public authority includes –

 a) providing access to information in a particular form;

b) directing the public authority to appoint a PIO/APIO where none exists;

c) publishing information and categories of information;

d) making necessary changes to the practices relating to management, maintenance and destruction of records;

e)     enhancing training provision for officials on RTI;

f)        seeking an annual report from public authority on compliance with this law;

g)     require it to compensate for any loss or other detriment suffered by the applicant;

h)      impose penalties under this law; or

i)        reject the application. (S.18 and S.19)


4.       What is the reporting procedure?

Central Information Commission will send an annual report to the Central Government on the implementation of the provisions of

1.  this law at the end of the year. The State Information Commission will send a report to the State Government .

2.  Each Ministry/Department has a duty to compile reports from its Public Authorities and send them to the Central Information Commission or State Information Commission, as the case may be.

3.  Each report will contain details of number of requests received by each Public Authority, number of rejections and appeals, particulars of any disciplinary action taken, amount of fees and charges collected etc.

4.  Central Government will table the Central Information Commission report before Parliament after the end of each year. The concerned State Government will table the report of the State Information Commission before the Vidhan Sabha (and the Vidhan Parishad wherever applicable). (S.25)

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Code# 115679409

  • West Bengal Information Commission(Swarntabh Kumar) - Upgraded (+1) Click for More
  • West Bengal Information Commission(Swarntabh Kumar) - Upgraded (+1) Click for More
  • West Bengal Information Commission(Swarntabh Kumar) - Upgraded (+1) Click for More
  • West Bengal Information Commission(Chief Information Commissioner_West Bengal) - Downgraded for failing to help with ballotboxIndia Action Item (-1) Click for More
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