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  • University of Delhi

University of Delhi

The University of Delhi is the premier university of the country and is known for its high  standards in teaching and research and attracts  eminent scholars to  its faculty. It  was  established in  1922 as a unitary, teaching and residential  university by an Act of the then Central Legislative  Assembly.   The President of India is the Visitor,  the Vice  President is  the Chancellor  and  the  Chief Justice  of the Supreme Court of India is the Pro-Chancellor of the University. Ever since its  inception, a strong  commitment to  excellence in  teaching and research has  made the University of Delhi a role-model and path-setter for other universities in the country. Its rich academic tradition has  always attracted  the most  talented students  who later on  went on to make  important contributions to their society. When the  University  took birth, only  three  colleges  existed  in Delhi then:  St.  Stephen’s   College founded  in 1881,  Hindu College founded in 1899 and Ramjas College  founded  in  1917, which were subsequently affiliated to it. The University thus had a modest beginning with just three colleges, two faculties (Arts and Science) and about 750 students. In October 1933, the University   offices and the Library shifted to the Viceregal Lodge Estate, and till today this site houses the offices of the main functionaries of the University. The University has grown into one of the largest universities in India. At present, there are 16 faculties, 86 academic departments, 77   colleges  and 5  other  recognised   institutes  spread all over the city, with 132435 regular  students   (UG: 114494,PG:17941) and 261169 students (UG:258831,PG:2338) in non-formal education programme.

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