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  • The Society for Culture, Youth & Peace

The Society for Culture, Youth & Peace

This society was created to make a difference in the world where we live in. So, we call upon the youth of the world to help us and change your life and this world for a better present and future.


The Society for Culture, Youth & Peace (N.G.O.)
Delhi, India

The Society for Culture, Youth and Peace (NGO) is a society, registered in Delhi, India under the Societies Registration Act of Govt. of India. 

It was founded by a group of like-minded young people in Delhi. The idea and purpose of the society was conceived in Armenia by its founder President, Dr. Alok Jha, thanks to the advice and encouragement of his Armenian friends. So the founders of this NGO owe their gratitude to Armenia and Armenian friends. This society is also an affiliate organization of International Center for Inter-cultural Research, Learning & Dialogue (ICIRLD), headquartered in Armenia. 

Our experts have years of experience working with youths all over the world. Our realm of actvity is centered around youth, and our name of the organization reflects our main areas of thrust.

 Also we subscribe to the ideas and areas of activity of our sister networking organization ICIRLD which also serves as a main inspiring force for our organization. Leaders of our organization have been involved in the activities of ICIRLD for many years now. They also have now many years of experience working with youth of various nationalities and several youth festivals. Their main area of expertise lies in Inter-cultural issues, music, culture, heritage and history, education especially Biomedical education and research and delivery of primary health care and education across the world and in our local communities. We have had unique experiece of participating as well as organizing international youth festivals in Armenia and we aspire to replicate such festivals all over the world especially in India , SAARC countries and South-east Asia.

Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.

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Code# 115679375

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