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  • Krishna Tarangam

Krishna Tarangam

A Political and Sciences Website & Geeta Bhagya Chakram

The Gita is a vibration (tarangam) of the Creator (Krishna). Why have I named the Creator Krishna? Because, Krishna is not a person but a principle.

The word Krishna means mystical, black, unseen, overpowering and prevailing. This word comes from the Sanskrit root  कृष्, which means to draw, to pull and to plough. What pulls everything should be powerful. What draws everything out should be irresistible and what ploughs through the unseen field should be mystically creative. Therefore, principally Krishna means the unseen magnetic vibration which is pulling the world along the dug lines, drawing the best out and mystically creating the world of the time, space and causation and making it go on. What else is the cosmos  but a representation of this principle. The principle applies equally to material, non-material and spiritual dimensions of existence-- maybe beyond that too, but it is still unexpressed. What is unexpressed is Krishna and what is expressed is Krishna tarangam. The Gita is the dominant note of that tarangam, the Mahabharata is the expansion of that tarangam and other shastras (books of codes of conduct and wisdom) are also the expressions of the same. The rishis (the researchers of universal principles) identified this unseen tarangam, absorbed it and expressed it as the Vedas eternal. The same tarangam vibrates in the Bible, in the Quran, in the Puranas, in the Smritis, in the Shrutis, in the Vedanta, in the Yoga Shastra, in the Tantra Shastra and so on and so forth.

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