Jammu and kashmir State Information Commission
With the enactment of J&K Right to Information Act 2009, a resident of
J&K State has a right to have access to information “held by or under the
control of the Public Authorities” in the State. He can now question, examine
and assess government acts and decisions to ensure that these are consistent
with public interests and good governance. This Act has made government
more open to public scrutiny. RTI has given a boost to the freedom of speech
and expression to general public.
The State Information Commission constituted under J&K RTI Act
2009 is a vital component of the regime of Right to Information set out for the
people of the State under the Act. The Commission has been vested with
powers under the Act to oversee the implementation of the Act in its letter
and spirit. On the one hand it has a supervisory role in respect of receiving
and enquiring into complaints under sec.15 of the Act and on the other it has
wider powers as an appellate authority in terms of section 16 of the Act for
adjudication of second appeals filed before it by the aggrieved RTI applicants.
Harmonizing the conflicting interests of demand and supply of certain
information is an important factor as enunciated in the preamble of the Act
which also underlines a significant role for the Commission. Ordinarily,
providing of information is the rule and non-disclosure is only the exception.
Therefore the openness in sharing information is getting precedence over the
mindset of secrecy and confidentiality which sofar permeated the working of
public authorities.
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Jammu and kashmir State Information Commission(Swarntabh Kumar) - Upgraded (+1) Click for More
Jammu and kashmir State Information Commission(Swarntabh Kumar) - Upgraded (+1) Click for More
Jammu and kashmir State Information Commission(Swarntabh Kumar) - Upgraded (+1) Click for More
Jammu and kashmir State Information Commission(State Information Commissioner_Jammu and Kashmir) - Downgraded for failing to help with ballotboxIndia Action Item (-1) Click for More
Total Upgrades 3 Total Downgrades 1Govt Agency