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  • Gujarat Pollution Control Board

Gujarat Pollution Control Board

Working with a view to protect the environment, prevent and control the pollution of water in the State of Gujarat

Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) aims at developing all round capabilities to protect the environment by preventing and controlling pollution by effective law enforcement and by adopting best environmental management practices to keep the State on course of sustainable development.

The Government of Gujarat constituted the GPCB (Gujarat Pollution Control Board) on 15.10.1974 as per provisions under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the with a view to protect the environment, prevent and control the pollution of water in the State of Gujarat, that occupies a prominent niche in progressive and industrial development of the country. 

Over the years the Board's mandate has grown several folds, necessitating ever increasing demand for skill to handle complex laws and to cope with the challenging tasks of stringent standards of performance expected of it.As effectiveness of the organization itself lends credibility, it is intended to enhance skills and competencies of staff, processes and systems, attitude of officers, relationships and leadership that influence the outcome. It aims at being not only a regulator but a facilitator for developments with paradigm changes of a long-term nature i.e. Environment Clinic and Help Desk.  

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Code# 115679506

  • Gujarat Pollution Control Board(Deepika Chaudhary) - Upgraded (+1) Click for More
  • Gujarat Pollution Control Board(Tushar Shah) - Upgraded (+1) Click for More
  • Gujarat Pollution Control Board(ND Ajmera) - Upgraded (+1) Click for More
Total Upgrades 3 Total Downgrades 0

Govt Agency


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