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  • Bachpan Creations

Bachpan Creations

Bachpan creations is an online and offline forum to strengthen the creative aspects of the children by providing them theoretical and technical skills. Apart from supporting children, Bachpan creations also provides video, audio, print content on different social and political issues. The firm is in the bussiness of consultancy as well and provides service for image marketing and research which includes political communication and advertising campaigns.


  1. To strengthen the digital skills of children 
  2. To develop employable skills
  3. To polish their creative skills
  4. To provide Different platforms to support their voices

Someone studying in a remote corner of UP having several problems related with health, sanitation, security etc. hardly have forums which support their cause. Here comes the intervention of Bachpan Creations to strengthen the stakeholders in order to place their voices on relevant forums.

The Bachpan Creations will not only provide support to children's creative skills but also train them in mobile and DSLR film making. The idea is to train them as a film maker and give them online and offline platform to raise their voices.

Children living in metro cities have access to the digital revolution but those who are living in remote areas are deprived of the basic facilities. The dream of our honorable Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, of making india a digital literate country and creating digital platforms for one and all will not be achieved untill and unless we connect all the villages in this movement. 

Bachpan creations will not only train children but also provide digital smart phones to them so that they can work as child journalist and earn money to strengthen their academic and social position. These children will have employable skills which will make them better equipped to enter in the job market. The children trained by us will have following job opportunities:

1.       They can work as journalist

2.       They can open their own business of photography,  editing

3.       They can work as independent film maker

4.       They will have opportunity to work from home

5.       They can start their own newspaper, news portal and online news channels

Skills and training programs organized by Bachpan creations:

1.       Film Making workshop: We offer a week long film making workshop where students are exposed to following areas:

a)      Camera Handling-Video camera, DSLR and mobile camera

b)      Basic rules of composition

c)       Understanding light

d)      Story telling

e)      Script writing for TV, Radio and Film

f)       Basic rules of editing

Many eminent filmmakers and professionals will take classes and teach basics of film making. The students are divided in groups and during the seven days time they are practically exposed to different aspects of film making and final product in the form of a news report, News feature, and Documentary film is developed.

2.       Photography workshop:

We offer a week long photography workshop where students are exposed to following areas:

a)      Camera holding- DSLR and mobile

b)      Basic rules of composition

c)       Understanding light

d)      Product photography, Portrait and other aspects of photography

e)      Adobe photoshop software

Many eminent photographers and professionals take classes and teach basics of photography. The students are divided in groups and during the seven days time they are practically exposed to different aspects of photography and a final product in the form of a photo profile, photo feature, and documentary film with the help of still photographs.

3.       Image marketing and research:  Bachpan creations also provide consultancy to newsmakers, celebrities and other professionals to form a positive image about their work among the targeted audience. The consultancy includes following o demand work:

a)      Ad films for politician and industry

b)      Show reel of celebrity

c)       Documentary films

d)      Survey research

e)      Video, audio and print content provider

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