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  • Aam Aadmi Party

Aam Aadmi Party

Aam Aadmi Party is an Indian political party. Launched on 26 November 2012. Aam Aadmi Party is currently the ruling party of Delhi.

Aam Aadmi Party is an Indian political party. Launched on 26 November 2012. Aam Aadmi Party is currently the ruling party of Delhi. In Delhi Assembly election, 2015 AAP won 67 of the 70 seats. The Aam aadmi party has its origins in the India Against Corruption movement organised by Social Worker Anna Hazare with Arvind Kejriwal, Yogendra Yadav,Prashant Bhusan  and other social activists. According to their website - For the past two years millions of common Indians came out on streets to fight against the biggest evil in our country today - corruption. This people's anti-corruption movement has exposed the ugly and greedy face of our politicians. No political party in India today works for the common man's needs. The Janlokpal Movement was a call to all the politicians of India to listen to the common man's plea. For almost 2 years we tried every single way available to plead our cause to the government - peaceful protesting, courting arrest, indefinite fasting several rounds of negotiations with the ruling government - we tried everything possible to convince the government to form a strong anti- corruption law. But despite the huge wave of public support in favour of a strong anti-corruption law, all political parties cheated the people of India and deliberately sabotaged the Janlokpal Bill. The time for peaceful fasts and protests is gone. This is the time for action. Since most political parties are corrupt, greedy and thick skinned, it's time to bring political power back into the people's hands. We are not saying that every single politician is corrupt and greedy. There are many good intentioned people in politics today who want to work honestly for the people of India. But the current system of polity does not allow honest politicians to function. We are also not claiming that every single person who joins our party will be hundred percent honest. We are saying that it is the system that has become very corrupt and needs to be changed immediately. Our aim in entering politics is not to come to power; we have entered politics to change the current corrupt and self-serving system of politics forever. So that no matter who comes to power in the future, the system is strong enough to withstand corruption at any level of governance.

60 years ago India's founding forefathers had a dream for all of us - a dream of an equal and just society where every man, woman and child has the right and privilege to lead a fulfilling and nurturing life, free from all kinds of oppression. This was a dream and a hope over 60 years ago. The Constituion of India and specifically the Preamble to the Constitution of India, defines a clear roadmap for the future of our country wherein the common man and woman hold the power to decide their destiny.

Today nobody can say that India has achieved this dream. Before independence the common man was a slave to foreign powers; today he has become a slave of the political system of our country. There is a new master in our country today - the political Neta. This Neta, who asks for our votes during elections, and then forgets us after he wins, this political entity decides the common man's destiny.

But every civilisation reaches a plimsoll line of tolerance. This is our line. India's common man has had enough of oppression, inequality, injustice and unkept promises. For the last 2 years the anti corruption movement has galvanised the country from end to end into one common voice - a voice that is demanding a complete rehaul in the way political parties and their leaders function.

This national demand for a change in the way our political system works has forced our anti corruption drive to enter the political arena to clean it from the inside. Politics itself is not a dirty word - it is our current breed of politicians who have made it dirty. Aam Aadmi Party wants to make politics a noble calling once again.

We want to create a system where the political leaders we elect and place in the Parliament are directly responsible to the voters who elected them. Our party's vision is to realise e dream of SWARAJ that Gandhiji had envisaged for a free india - where the power of governance and rights of democracy will be in the hands of the people of India.

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