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  • ASHA


Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture or ASHA is an alliance of about 400 diverse organizations drawn from more than twenty states across India that came together through the Kisan Swaraj Yatra (Oct-Dec 2010), a nation-wide mobilization around Food-Farmers-Freedom.

ASHA was created in May 2010, as a response to the felt need amongst many civil society organisations that as a Nation, we are not doing enough to address the issues of rural livelihoods, food and seed sovereignty and security and thereby, sustainable development.

-ASHA was created in May 2010, as a response to the felt need amongst many civil society organisatio

ASHA believes that the problems of cultivators in India today are the entire Nation's problems and cannot be neglected - unless we ensure dignified lives and livelihoods for our cultivators (apart from the moral imperative of taking care of those who feed us all and keep us alive, our anna daatas), the other edifices being built on other fronts - either by the State or civil society - like employment generation, food and nutrition security, self-governance, better healthcare etc., cannot be strong or complete or sustainable.

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Code# 115679507

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