To the chief Information Commissioner.
Please provide me with below information.
1. Does your state have a web portal supporting the spirit of Right to Information Act. Similar and at least providing the same functionality as where
- Any Citizen of India can go online and file RTI appeal to Information Commission or any of the administrative unit's SPIOs electronically and get an RTI tracking ticket similar to
- Pay the prescribed fee online using Net Banking, Credit Cards.
- Track the status online and get the response on the online portal electronically.
- File First and Second appeal in case RTI response is not satisfactory electronically using the same portal.
2. If answer to query #1 is Yes for all the points, please provide the web portal name.
3. If Answer to all or any of the Query #1 is No.
a).Please provide details on why even after 10 years of RTI Act in place and after multiple years of online and working as a benchmark developed by NIC for central government ministries (NIC or similar agencies manages all your state web portals as well) your state is not able to provide this service.
b.) If you have already planned for a similar or better service than to serve RTI needs for your state please provide the expected time frame when Citizens of India can start using it.
The Above RTI is for public purpose.
Even after almost 3 months , we have not received any response (or even an acknowledgement ) from the state PIO regarding our RTI Application.(The RTI Application was sent on 13/06/2015)
The reason we raised this RTI has been explained in detail in this thread.
Our aim is to bring efficiency, accountability and transparency in the state RTI system by having all the states on board or a similar platform base-lined at least on existing service by central government.
We invite citizens of Telangana to come forward and take action! Join this action Group and fight the inefficiency in your state RTI system!